Sunstate Bank recently partnered with Miami Youth For Christ (YFC) to stop youth violence by rappelling a ten-story building to raise awareness for this great cause. Miami YFC is committed to empowering the children, youth, and families of our community by providing faith-based services that enhance their emotional, spiritual, physical, and educational well-being through various outreach programs.

The center runs 35 programs weekly at 15 ministry sites servicing over 5,000 youth annually. This year’s fund raising campaign was to #StopYouthViolence. Sunstate Bank is YFC’s bank, and an important component of Sunstate’s Mission is to give back to the communities we serve. Through a direct contribution by Sunstate Bank, and contributions from friend and families of the Bank, we were able to raise almost $3,000 in support of the Mission of Youth for Christ.
Sunstate Bank, with approximately $230 million in assets and two locations, is a full-service community bank founded in 1999, headquartered in Miami-Dade County, and serving both domestic and international customers. Sunstate Bank and its employees are very community focused, and support a number of local community organizations. Sunstate Bank is truly a “Community Bank” with “International Expertise”. To find out more please visit