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IOTA Checking

Business Banking


Business woman at her desk

Interest earned is paid to the Florida Bar Association

Established by the Florida Supreme Court in 1981, the Interest on Trust Accounts (IOTA) program creates millions of dollars in funding for legal aid each year. Under IOTA, all nominal or short-term funds of clients or third persons are pooled into an interest-bearing checking account benefiting the program. Our convenient IOTA account features and interest is automatically transferred to the Florida Bar Association.


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*We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. The daily balance that we use when calculating interest is the collected balance. That means we only include those funds for which we have actually received payment when we determine the daily balance on which interest is paid.
*You must maintain a minimum daily collected balance of $1,000 in the account each day to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield.
Additional fees may apply.