Sunstate Bank President and CEO Lloyd DeVaux was recently named 2018 “Banker of the Year” by the Florida Bankers Association (FBA). The award, which annually recognizes an individual who demonstrates the highest level of commitment to the banking industry and service to his or her community, was presented at the FBA’s 130th Annual Meeting.
Florida banker given distinguished honor at Florida Bankers Association's Annual Meeting
Following a video documenting his distinguished career, DeVaux was ushered forward to accept the award by a standing ovation from his colleagues and peers.
"Lloyd has been an active member of the Florida Bankers Association for many years and has served on nearly every FBA board. In addition, he is an outspoken advocate for the banking industry,” said FBA Executive Vice President and COO Pamela Ricco. “The Banker of the Year award is not given lightly. It is an honor given to deserving bankers who are dedicated and hard-working and Lloyd is certainly deserving.”

The FBA’s Banker of the Year is selected using the following criteria:
- An outstanding commitment of involvement and services in his/her community;
- A concern for the continued success of banking;
- A dedication to conveying the value of banking to the public;
- A reputation for excellence and distinguished achievement within the banking industry.
"Lloyd’s commitment and loyalty to the association, to the state of Florida and to his community set a high bar for each of us to strive for in our own personal and professional lives," said Ricco. "His engagement makes a difference. For example, Lloyd’s Congressional testimony this year strongly influenced regulatory reform."
Throughout decades of engagement in the FBA, DeVaux has served as chair of BancServ, Inc. and as a member of the FBA Audit Committee. He is currently a member of the FBA Board of Directors and its Executive Committee. For the coming year, he will serve as chair of the FBA Government Relations Council. In addition, he is the association’s chair-elect and is line to serve as chair of the FBA in 2019-20.
"An example of an ideal FBA member, Lloyd supports BancServ Endorsed Partners and uses a lot of their services. He is also generous in contributions to the FBEF and Florida BankPac," said Ricco. "We are proud to be able to recognize Lloyd for all of his contributions to the FBA and the banking industry."
The Florida Bankers Association (FBA) is the voice of Florida’s banking industry, which is composed of small, regional and large financial institutions that together employ tens of thousands Floridians, safeguard more than $500 billion in deposits and extend more than $135 billion in loans. Established in 1888, the FBA is one of Florida’s oldest trade associations; its members hold more than 90 percent of the state’s deposits.